Episode 30: 10 Problems Doctors Have With Pay Per Click & How to Fix Them
Being able to properly and effectively attract new patients through pay per click will greatly improve the profitability of your practice. In this episode, Tyson talks about the different problems doctors have with PPC and how to solve them.
What was discussed?
- Quote for the day is “Winners embrace hard work. They love the discipline of it, the trade-off they’re making to win. Losers, on the other hand, see it as punishment. And that’s the difference.”
- 10 PPC Problems Doctors Face:
- Directing traffic to their homepage
- Focusing on broad matches
- Using generic headlines
- Relying on suggested keywords
- Not using negative keywords
- Not localizing
- Not setting up ad groups
- Lack of attention to phrasing
- Not tracking your results
- Cost vs Conversion
- Send customers to a specific landing page that talks to them that is targeted with the information they were searching for.
- Make headlines specific but broad enough so people can relate to them.
- Create negative keywords to avoid showing up to searches that you don’t want
- Remember to target specific areas based on where your ideal patients are.
- Use phrases that will describe your practice.
- Track your results for effectiveness and adjust as appropriate.
- Maximize the leads by giving visitors what they are searching for and by taking care of them when they contact you.