Episode 66: 7 Ways Doctors Can Use Visual Content Effectively
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Quote of the Day: “When I let go of what I am, I become what I might be.” – Lao Tzu How You Can Use Visual Content Effectively to Market Your Practice Be Consistent: Consistently use the same logo. Don’t use different color schemes for your logo. Build up recognition by consistently using the same colors, content, and style. Personalize Your Content: Create custom ads based on the pages that your visitors are checking out. This can be useful in targeting specific clients, especially on Facebook. For example, if a visitor checks out a Dental Implants page on your site, Facebook can generate a targeted ad that reminds them about Dental Implants at your practice. Make sure to utilize this feature! Make it Interesting: Make your visual content interesting and memorable. Associating great content with your site is a great way to establish authority and trust. Be Helpful: Provide a solution to a problem that your potential audience has. Try creating some infographics or visual content that addresses problems or issues that your audience has interest in. Show That You’re Human: Let your audience know that you aren’t just a business and that you have a vested interest in the well-being of your clients. People tend to appreciate transparency and honesty, especially in healthcare professionals. Let some of your personality come through your website so that visitors have a better idea of who you are and what your business is about. End Results: Show your visitors what type of work you can do. Some clients want to know exactly what they’d look like after pursuing a specific option or they might be curious about what kind of options are available. Show off some before and after photos that helps clients to get excited about and understand what options available. Tell A Story: Let them see previous success stories that help them to imagine what their own success story would look like by using your services. Make sure the story highlights the benefits of your work.